Monday, March 21, 2011

Odds and Ends, more Doctors....

So I have the back fracture, the disk disease and now the gastritis. In the middle of all of this, and the multiple CT Scans, MRI’s and X-rays, they found that my “simple cyst” on my right ovary, has now changed to a “Complex Cyst” and my doctor advised me that I needed to get that looked at right away.

After meeting with a new OB, they went ahead and gave me a PAP and put me back on birth control to see if that will help with all those pains and cyst issues. One week later I got a phone call from the doctor’s office and they told me my PAP came back with abnormalities and they wanted to do a colopscopy (or something like that). To be honest, when the nurse called to tell me, my brain stopped working when she used the phrase “Cervical Cancer”. They scheduled the procedure for two weeks out. They told me that it hurts, and they recommend that I take a pain reliever prior. Mind you, with the stomach issues, there is nothing I can take that will not put me back in the hospital.

The basic idea of this procedure is to open me up, and put a solution inside me and then the light will glow where there is concerning spot. When my doctor started, it freaked me out when he said “Awe, crap!” sorry, but when you are in a compromising position down there, with medical instruments, that is not something that I really want to hear. The worst case scenario, which happened, they decided to use my insides as a human whole punch. He starting snipping away, and when they say “little pinch” it is not a little pinch. That hurt! I honestly could not walk or sit for the two days!

I received the results about a week later (let me tell you, having to wait for a week to find out if you have the C-word or not is DEVISTATING!), and found out that it is only mild hiplasia, which is the pre-cancer cancer cells. Thankfully, I just have to go back in 6 months to check it out again. Hopefully all will be well, and I can forget about this.