So I haven’t had a really great Christmas in awhile, and I have grown accustom to spending the morning with my family and then being alone the majority of the day. This year I had plans with my awesome roommate to spend the afternoon eating a Ham Feast and watching a Jane Austin marathon equipped with our 2nd annual showing of Pride and Prejudice! On Monday when I got a message from my mom that our plans where changing because my Dad was joining us, I was a little sad and may or may not have thrown a minor temper tantrum…..
On Christmas Eve we have a family tradition of having a Mexican Fiesta dinner with all the family. As I was in the kitchen of my aunts getting dinner ready, in walked what looked like a homeless man. As my Aunt went to yell at who that was just walking into the house, I did a double take and it was my brother! He just got out of Iraq on his second tour and was supposed to be backpacking Europe with his Girlfriend. The shock and awe of it all, still feels surreal! We have not shared a Christmas together in 5 years, and it meant a lot that he would go through so much planning and sceaming to pull this off.
Cody also brought his girlfriend with him, and I heart her! She is SO adorable, and is the perfect addition to the family! She is a school teacher up in Olympia Washington and makes Cody happy which in turns makes us all happy. I really hope it works out, I would love a Sister It was quite comical trying to figure out what to get both of them for Christmas when they left to go back to their hotel, when everything closes early!
Christmas morning was great, I surprised my mom with plane tickets for her and me to go to Myrtle Beach, SC to visit our wonderful Aunt Millie. We leave March 25th and come back April 4th. I cannot wait! I have been planning this trip for over 6 months and it was the hardest secret to keep from my mom, EVER! She was not really sure if it was for real or not and she did not pick up the hints very well…. I think after it set in, she is getting more and more exciting! We have a 5 hour layover at JFK on the way there, then will fly into Raleigh, NC, rent a car and drive to the beach. We have not worked out all the details, but we are planning on going up to Richmond to see our other Aunt and hopefully up to Washington DC for the Cherry Blossom festival and Baltimore. It will be a much needed vacation and trust me, we are counting down the days!
We spent all day Saturday as a family and then went to breakfast Sunday morning before my parents and Cody took off on their separate directions. It is always tough to say goodbye, but I am truly grateful for my brother present of coming home. It was a wonderful surprise and some great memories were made. Even though we were forced into watching the 24 hours of a Christmas Story Marathon…. It was a LONG day.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Plane's Trains and Automobiles- **BEST Christmas EVER***
Posted by Ambs at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Yes, I am Alive :)
What a crazy past 6 month! I know I have been spacey and have not updated this in FOREVER! So here is the *quick* rundown…. I was unemployed for thankfully only 10 days when I landed a job and started within 3 weeks of the initial layoff. I work for First American in the Real Estate Tax Office located in Murray Utah. I enjoy most days, I work a lot and hopefully it is paying off.
Just 3 days outside of the training I was offered the position to be the Auditor over the Customer Research department. Basically if you are on an escrow mortgage account, our company contracts with 16 major mortgage companies (except Wells Fargo, WATCH OUT ;) and our office will pay your property taxes. So if you have any issues with your property taxes or what not, you call into your bank and in turn the bank will send off issues that need to be researched to my department. My job is to have people on my team work the “tasks” and they submit it to Audit and I have to either approve or deny them, and close out on the Lender’s side. I stare at hundreds of loans all day, work close to 60 hours a week, and love most days. Other than work, you can find me at the gym most days after work, I have gotten into nice routine and it is strange when I miss it J
In October I was given the best thing ever! The wonderful Jackson’s flew me out too Portland to hang out for a few days and watch their munchkins while Jon and Nicole went to Mexico for a week. Sadly I could not get that much time off, but I cherished every minute of it! We had a Thai food night, had some crazy experiences at an overpriced pumpkin patch, went to a “hoedown” and saw the cutest 5 year old perform in a children program. I learned how crazy teenagers are (sorry if I was ever like that growing up :) and we also made a haunted gingerbread house! I was great to catch up with people and see some old friends. I learned that even though years pass by, certain things never change…. I also decided that 2010 is the year to move back to the NW. I have some serious things to figure out, but I really want to get out of Utah, I think it is time.
November was Thanksgiving, and I spent the holiday with my best friend Cheryl and her family. It was fun and enjoyable. I spent Turkey day there 2 years ago, it is becoming the tradition of every other year I think. It was nice to have my mom come to, and things went really well. My mom and then enjoyed getting up at 2:15 am to hit the sales, I then had to work 9 hours. Longest day ever, but I got some GREAT deals and got through almost all of my Christmas shopping in those two days.
December came and is almost gone. I don’t really know what happened or where it went, but all in all it has been a busy few months and I am shocked this year has come to an end. This year entailed a lot of firsts and never agains! I will try to keep this updated more often, but I can’t make any promises!
Posted by Ambs at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My Curent Situation...
I'm not sure how to really start out this post. Its been a rough and busy few months, and needless to say I will now have too much time on my hands to update my blogs. I am just going to rip it off like a band-aid and say it.... I was layed off. This time it was, your being layed off, no other job, here is your severence check, get the heck out! What hurt was the way they did it, and too so many! There where 22 of us, they kept 6 total to run the company.
One thing that upset me, was that Ted they guy who broke the news, blamed it on the Obama administration. Last time I checked the "crisis" began with bad choices from a previous administration. It is not Obama's fault that they could not run a company the right way and have had various investors pull back. Another thing that made me laugh was that one of their asset managers actually lost a house in tax auction for a $5000 water lien. How is that dumb enough to loose a property, especially not find out for over a month. Poor managing is what got them into this mess, I predict they will only be around through summer, if even that long!
What also frustrates me is the factor that the person they kept, has zero work ethics, kiss too much rear end and I did twice as much work as him with fewer client kickbacks! I have always taken pride in my work, and the factor that I refuse to suck up to anybody. I guess what happened happened, and how I handle it can only make me stronger. This is a hidden blessing, and everything will work its way out in the end.
One thing to be grateful for is unemployment. I have never really believed in it, nor did I ever see myself in a position where I would need it. I have always been independent and have prided myself with that ability. The first thing I did when I got home was filed, thankfully with all of my deductions, I am coming out fairly even and making roughly the same wages, for 18 weeks. Not that I plan on being jobless that long, but to know if I need it, its there.
Right now I am up in island park trying to clear my head. I figured I would take a few days to myself. Its nice to away from the city and relax. I met with the executive chef of a local restaurant, Trout Hunter. He offered me a job and a breakfast/pastry chef. It would be a dollar less an hour, but I still run into the problem of when the summer season ends, I will still need a job in salt lake area.
I guess only one person knows where my life is headed, and I will be excited to see where it leads me. I would also like to thank anybody and everybody who has helped me during this trial!
Posted by Ambs at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Cody's Coming To Town!!!
So I know I have been super busy lately with my new job, and I will eventually find time to post soon (who would have thought I would actually have to work now?!), promise! But I did just want to say how excited I am, because my brother Cody is on leave from Iraq and will be flying into Salt Lake in the morning, just until wed morning. Still better than nothing and I can't wait to spend time with him, I love him so much!!!
Posted by Ambs at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Seattle Trip Day 1
* pictures to come soon.
What an intersting day. It is surreal to be sitting in my Grandma and Aunt's house, and my Aunt not be here... I thought I would be okay, since I have given myself the last few days to come to terms, but its still a struggle.
This morning our flight left Salt Lake at 9:45am, but since we needed to check in Roni's baby stuff we got there at like 7:30. We thought security would be a breeze, for me it was. However Margie had a different experience. She had a birthday on Monday, and it happened to be the same year her drivers licence expired. She had a temporary one she printed off online, but that and the factor of her wrist cast weighed in, it created an issue. I captured a picture of her getting the "royal treatment". She was a good sport, I have been there and done that before!
The flight was full, so I cuddled with my mom, and my uncles and aunt say behind us. Thankfully we got the front row, so there was an extra few feet of leg room! I gate being tall sometimes... Once we finally landed and got the luggage, we tried to find our rental car. That was yet another experience on our own. There where issues with shuttle, and my mom and I ended up waiting back while the others went to get the paperwork started. They crammed 10 of us into a van that say 7! The driver was a maniac, he ran lights, no seatbelt, texting and when he would stop it was in the middle of the intersection! I thought I was going to die!
After we got the rentals, we made our way to Gig Harbor. I lived there for 8 years, and that is one of two places I call home (the other of course Vancouver). Everything has expanded and it was strange to see some of it. You can tell that it is one of THE places to live now. We met my Grandma and our two aunts for lunch at my favorite place for lunch. We have been eating at Moctazumas since they first opened in the early 90's. The food was better than I remembered! It was a wonderful experience to just be with the family!
After lunch we kidnapped my Aunt Millie and drove through the town, and by our old house. It looked as cute as I remembered, and made me think of the awesome times we had! We also drove through downtown and the water front. I did see the coolest thing ever, inside the Key Bank, they had a Starbucks! On in Seattle...
We spent the majority of the day just with the family and remembering the good times we shard with Aunt Evy. Friends of Grandma's came and brought dinner over, and while John and Margie where checking into their hotel, Millie, Mom and I went for a walk to Safeway. It was glorious to be out in the fresh air, and smell nature! First thing Millie went to, was the Wine section. I forget how large of a selection they have up here in stores! We found some interesting names, and she decided on mini merlot bottles (mostly to hide it from her sisters! Easier than big bottles). We also found some nice veggie/fruit platters and some chocolate. What a great combination!
On the walk back, my Uncle John and Aunt Margie ended up picking us up. Another family friend came over and chatted while we ate dinner, and shared more memories. I know deep in my heart that Evy's passing was for the better and it was a good thing. She had lost her Husband to cancer 25 years prior, and when they declared what caused her death it was because her cancer came back. My aunt suffered a lot, including being in a wheelchair the majority of her life. She beat cancer once before, but this time it came back and when they finally found out, it spread to too many organs. She lived a full life, and I know she is happy again, so I should be too.
Tomorrow is the funeral, and possibly a surprise ferry ride to Seattle and back for no reason, other than I simply LOVE ferry rides!
Posted by Ambs at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I will miss you Aunt Evy!!!
There are certain people in ones life, that changes things for the better. Mine was essentially my Grandparents. Most know my grandfather past away nearly 3 years ago and "technically" my real grandmother is still alive. I say this because my grandmother has never really been a big piece of my life, we do not see eye to eye and I'm definitely not close to her. She did have a twin sister though, and her name was Evy, she was wheelchair bound and more of a grandmother to me than anyone else in my family. "technically" being my aunt, she had been sick for a long time now and has been needing assistance.
This morning I received a phone call from my mother telling me she had past away. Instantly my heart sank. She was such a caring and loving person. She was somebody I always felt safe to go to and talk to. She always opened her heart to those around her and was always giving. Her husband past away years ago (I honestly do not remember him, I was just a baby), and she had a daughter and two grandsons. I can honestly say they always treated her badly and walked all over her. Evy had so much to give, and even though she was bound by a wheelchair, she always eager and on the go when I was younger.
Its been over two years since I have seen her, and I feel horrible that I did not get to say goodbye. She will be missed, and I know deep down she is in a better place and is happy to be reunited with the loved ones she lost.
A special thanks to my Aunt and Uncle who are helping me get out to the funeral. I just got my itinerary, and I fly out early Thursday morning and come back Saturday mid day. Its gonna be a short trip, but well worth it. A sad way to see my family again, but it will also be nice to be away for a few days. Now I just have to tell my boss I won't be there next week...
Posted by Ambs at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bittersweet Emotion...
Bitter sweet sorrow awaits me. This past week has been a crazy roller coaster of emotions this week, and I hope I can keep myself together the rest of the day. Last Friday I felt as though I had been thrown under the bus essentially again (4th time really) at work. They decided to transfer my friend to another company, our sister company Brighton. They do the same thing, but different office and technically not us, but they secretly are. They put her in Accounting and decided to take the office snob as well and put her in Closing Docs. I have been here longer and have more responsibilities and catch on faster.
I was hurt and upset with how things went down, and a lot of other things. When I forced to “share” my feelings with both of my bosses it was difficult. I was told that taking the snob over that it was not there choice and she “supposedly” has experience, however it turned out after the fact she lied and doesn’t. The accounting job I have too much experience for and it is brain dead work. I like a challenge and to learn new things and I wish I was given the opportunity! In stead the rumor I herd came true, and they are getting rid of my department this afternoon. Essentially I was laid off, but they are giving me a job with Main Street Valuations. They just moved back into our office on Monday, so really I am just moving up out of the basement and near a window.
I find this interesting though… I have been employed in the same office sine May 15th, 2008. However this will be my “technically” third company I have worked for, for tax purposes. I really would like to get through a year without having to redo my hr paperwork here!
My new job I will be doing BPO orders and quality control. I have helped them out in the past, and it is easy to me yet challenging sometimes, just different. I have gotten used to the turnover in my department, and enjoy sitting on my own half of the office. I like being able to work by myself and not having to “people please”, now I am moving out of my comfort zone into a busier more open office. I hate to say it but I do feel claustrophobic sometimes, and my new cubicle is out in the open (even though I do a have wall next to me).
I have had some great times in my office over the past 11 months. I like the close knit group and with the exception of one, I heart everybody! We would have lots of times where we just be laughing and having a good time, back when work was a joy to come into. I am not sure how I feel about this now. I have a tough time coming out of my comfort zone and meeting new people. From the image I have gotten the past week of them, I don’t really like them… our work ethics are completely different, and I hope the transition goes well!
Posted by Ambs at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Roni!
Happy 1st Birthday Veronica Julie Capell (aka Roni)!!! On Friday March 27th, marked the one year Birthday, we celebrated on Sunday night with the family! She has been through a lot this past year, but she is so adorable and a spoiled trooper!
On Saturday I went to my Aunt Amber’s little sister Sera’s Baby shower (she is due June 10th with her first baby, and of course it’s a girl!), and took the most adorable picture of Roni playing on the floor with her toys. She loves to kiss thing, and she was playing with one of her cousins on the floor, he I think was 8 months, and she would lean over with her lips puckered to kiss him! It was by far the cutest thing ever! On Sunday when we went down for the Birthday Party, she was so playful and loved all the attention! When the time came for her Birthday cupcakes, she had a little problem blowing out the candles (then again what one year old can?). When they got the paper out from around the cupcake, she just shoved it in her face! For like 3 minutes, all you could see was her with her a giant pink cupcake shoved in her face. When Aunt Kimmie pulled down her hands, you could see frosting everywhere! That little baby ate the
entire thing! She even sucked her fingers (she never does that!) and was mad when Kimmie tried to clean her up! She found frosting under the multiple chins, and up by her ears!
Then they moved to presents! She was completely spoiled and was enjoying the unwrapping part! Aunt Sera reused one of the giant bags from her baby shower the day before, so Roni actually got inside it!
She just barely had her head sticking out of it! All in all it was nice to be able to spend time with family members and those who I don’t get to see to often!
Posted by Ambs at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
* This picture is of my baby cousin Veronica Julie Capell (aka "Roni") and my Grandpa's hard hat. I think its adorable!
There is one person who has been in my life, whom a day does not go by and I think about. This person is my Grandfather. I have so many fond memories of him, he was such a caring person who always out other first. He was sick for such a long time, yet he never complained and still continued to put others first. Today marks his birthday, and even though June 16th will be three years since he past, it still feels like yesterday. I remember when I was younger and spending the summers on the farm in Idaho. He would always make sure the 4 wheelers where up and running so Cody and I would have some fun adventures. I still remember the last conversation I had with him, and when I knew it was goodbye. I wait for the day when I will see him again. I miss you Grandpa, happy birthday!
Posted by Ambs at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
If I where to count all my fingers and toes, I would still run out of space for why I heart President Obama so much! Last night topped it all, and I was trying not to cry lying in bed about to fall asleep. Yesterday Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced they where putting an end to “Stop-Loss”. For any of you that may not be familiar with military terminology ‘Stop-Loss’ is also known as a backdoor draft in sense where when a person enlists in the military, they may only sign up to serve four years, but technically in a legal aspect they are enlisted for eight years. The military has a “right” to force you into active duty for the four years after you are done and can send back to active combat duty at anytime.
There has been lots of controversy over this, and as of January studies have shown that 13,200 soldiers who are serving in the war, have all been issued a ‘Stop-Loss’. With Gate’s announcing this new turn of events, they will start pulling back as soon as the beginning of August. They will reduce by 50% as of June of 2010, and by March 2011 there will be no more serving.
During a Pentagon briefing yesterday, Gate’s (who has been fighting for this to end since 2006) said “I believe that when somebody's end date of service comes, to hold them against their will, if you will, is just not the right thing to do... I felt, particularly in these numbers, that it was breaking faith." I personally, 100% agree with this statement, since it really is breaking the faith as a nation! Every single solider that has enlisted, did it out of their willingness to sacrifice their own life. I herd somewhere, “they signed a blank check that was payable up to and including life.” What hope and faith our we sending to them out there when we say thank you for serving your country for four years, but we need you to experience and witness the unthinkable again for another four years?
All I can say now is, THANK YOU! Thank you for giving all of my friends who are serving out there hope again. To know that I wont have to worry about their second or third deployment if they will not come back again. I think this is a huge step in the right direction into gaining hope again for those men and woman who have given so much already. We can begin the process again of healing, and trying to fix what a previous “person” has done …
Posted by Ambs at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Leader Who Actually Leads!

Talking to some of my friends over the past few months that do tend to stay on the Republican realm of things, I feel shut down at the news around them and do not see the good in what is going on since Obama has taken office. I personally feel a lot have not really opened their minds and hearts to hear him out, and to know that what he says he backs up as a person.
Yesterday when I pulled up my trusty Huffington Post, I was upset and proud at the same time to see the front headlines be about Obama upset with AIG about the bonus’s being given with the bailout fund. I am a hardworking citizen, I do not agree with certain aspects of the bailout with my tax payer’s money, however I was excited that someone finally acknowledged what was going on! From day one, I have herd Obama say nothing but the fact that the day of golden parachutes are over. That the CEO’s of these major banking institutions that ran their own company into the ground would not be compensated with large bonuses and raises anymore. That is exactly what he is doing, and I happy he is going after AIG finally! I do not want to pay some millionaire a huge bonus with my taxes when I can sometimes barely make my ends meet alone!
On CNN this morning (which not sure if most of you know is a predominately conservative news reporting channel) Jeff Cafferty, said it perfectly in his Commentary Titled: Obama a Leader Who Actually Leads. Here is his article:
And at least I don't go to bed at night worried that I'll wake up in the morning to find out we're about to invade someone.
I do not think he could have said it any better! For those of you out there that may have voted towards McCain, or other. For those that may be stubborn to hear out President Obama and what he has to say, please open your hearts and your mind to what is going on! Give him an honest chance and you will see he is a man of his word, who sticks up for what he believes, and does not beat around the bush or lie about what is really going on. He never once said this depression was going to be easy, he is not sugar coating anything!
Posted by Ambs at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Brother, the Hero!
I’m so excited! I was using my mom’s laptop this morning, and my brother instant messaged me! I felt so bad when I missed his call on Monday, but I was happy to talk to him! It still hurts to talk sometimes, so it was nice to be able to try to type. He seems to be hanging in there. He sent me some awesome pictures of his new tattoo he is finishing up; my brother is complete opposite to me and has almost full sleeves on both arms. My brother is still the same person, and I love him for all that he does for me and our country! Anyone that can sacrifice and sign their life away to the government is a hero in my book and I am proud to call him family! This picture was taken at my Grandfather's funeral almost 3 years ago, before his first deployment to Iraq.
He finds out the end of this month if he got leave or not for April. If he does he said he will go to Washington for a little bit, and come see the family for a little bit as well. I will be excited to spend some time with him; it has been over a year! I have attached some random photo's of my brother, he looks funny, but I still heart him!
Posted by Ambs at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I HATE being Sick, and I HATE Doctor's!!!!
I would first like to start off by saying I HATE DOCTORS! No offense to anyone who is going into the profession or you are one (I still heart you Margie, this is nothing personal, and YOU are amazing!) I just do not like going to see them! I also would like to preface how much I dislike my healthcare insurance. Yes I am grateful to have it, since millions of Americans are without, but it stinks when you are limited to going so few places since Utah is predominately IHC or United Healthcare, not Blue Cross Blue Shield like I have. Furthermore, it stinks that I can only go to 3 hospitals in the area without having to worry about bending over and grabbing my ankles along with my right kidney and first born. I had the joys of experiencing this last July when I had my cyst issues come up. And yes, it is still ‘hanging’ around causing problems, and I refer to it as “Helga”.
Anyway, so back to rant about how I hate Doctors. I started to feel ill on Friday; it started as a slight tingle in the back end of my throat. I brushed it off as nothing, and went to work. When Saturday came around, I started to feel it more so, and by that evening I remember saying to my amazing roommate, “I’m getting something, I can feel it.” By Sunday morning, I was sick! I have my own personal feelings about church right now, and it is tough to discuss, but I only made it to Relief Society, and that was because I had to teach! I stopped at my local friendly Walgreen’s on my way to get some cold pills and cough drops so I could make it through my lesson.
After church and my home teachers visit, I laid down to take an all too common Sunday Nap, then again Sunday’s are the day of rest ;) when I awoke, everything just ached! I knew I was sick! I decided it would better to beat while it was starting than to let it get too bad. I had to call various offices to 1) make sure they where open on Sunday, I live in Utah for those that forgot and 2) make sure they accepted the all too hated BCBS. I ended up finding an after hours clinic around the corner from my house! I got there a little after 5pm, and noticed only one person waiting. I didn’t think it would take too long; then again I was WRONG like normal! I was there for OVER an hour and half!
They did the Strep test, WHICH I HATE! It’s like the Doctor’s assistant loves to jab that so far down your throat that it makes you sick! Then it was the regular stuff. It felt like a sinus infection, which I can count the hundreds that I have had, especially when I was a sophomore in high school and it was once a month like clockwork… Anyway, I could feel a left ear infection along with the hip pains I felt; I knew I had another kidney infection. So it was a round about of me telling her what I felt was wrong, what I knew was to come, and so on and so forth. She then only prescribed me with Augmenton. Not a fan of the horse pill, it didn’t help me to much growing up, but I figured I would give this Doctor a chance. I left there with a note excusing me from work, but never said what I had.
The next day I made it into work, and only lasted 53 minutes until my boss caught on just by my voice, and kicked me out. I came home and crashed like no other! Throughout the day it was sleeping and movies, oh and chicken noodle soup. My aunt advised that I drink lots of Cranberry juice; I drank almost the entire container! I think I may have had it seeping through my pores! On Tuesday I tried to make it into work, but I just felt worse! Not to mention the sores in my mouth, I will not go into details what they look like, but I knew it was strep. Another day of staying in bed.
Wednesday I had to force myself into work. ‘Technically’ I was not contagious anymore since the antibiotics have been in my system long enough. I had the toughest time driving my car, with my ears aching still, I could not concentrate! I made it into the office, and I almost passed out from exhaustion. All I did was walk in from the parking lot and down the stairs! It felt like the longest day of my life, not to mention the loud person in my office that would not shut up! My ears hurt, and I could not put any earphones in to drown her out! I had no attention span I was sleep deprived! I have taken the nighttime medicine and have not slept the last 3 nights! By 1pm, I was dying and called back the Doctors office. At this point, I was begging them to call in a cough syrup for me so I could sleep and shake something. They told me “no” and that I had to come back in and pay ANOTHER co-payment!
After work I decided I would swing by and make another stop. I first asked how long the wait was (my mom came into town that afternoon, and she was waiting for me to get home so I could let her in) and she said 5 minutes. Once I got into the back room, I tried to keep myself calm, but then the breakdown occurred. I explained my frustrations, and she took my blood pressure, she said it went up since Sunday, lets go through that shall we: You misdiagnosed me, did not give me the necessary medications, made me pay ANOTHER co-pay and are putting me through all the tests again! Not to mention the fact that I had to work today, and deal with idiotic people! I can understand why my blood pressure went up!
Thankfully the same Doctor was in, and she asked why I came back. I tried to be nice, I followed her instructions. My fever had never broke (i never check my temp, I just know I felt on fire all day) and I now had two ear infections! She then noticed what was going on in my throat and was ‘concerned’ (before she looked she tried to say I might have Mono, not Strep. What a “bright” one she was). She thankfully prescribed me cough syrup with Codeine (I will be sleeping well tonight!) and then looked at me and said “the antibiotics should have helped you; I’m concerned that you are not getting better. I would like to do a more rapid approach to this”. I was then informed of the liquid steroids I would have to drink, and the shot they where going to give me to help my ear infections. Guess where that was going to go, yep! Right in my rear end! How considerate she was! After they made me drink the icky medicine, they gave me a dum dum sucker to take away the horrible taste, and to say how “good” of a patient I was. Like I was some toddler that cant handle a little nasty taste and pain!
All I can say is this had better work! I am so sick of feeling sick! I cant miss anymore work, or I will owe hours the rest of my life! I tired all the time, and I need to shake this! My sanity is at stake here; my world around me depends on it! I hate feeling restless, hopeless, and motionless! It is not normal for me to not be able to take a shower and feeling wiped out, or just having a conversation on the phone with a vendor and having to take breaths every two seconds! I HATE BEING SICK!
Posted by Ambs at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Dallin! I know this is a day late, but I wanted to make sure you know I am wishing you a wonderful birthday. Oh yeah, about why you where almost late for work yesterday, that was me and a partner in crime! I figured you would not think that I would drive the 26 miles to your house to wish you a happy birthday, but I heart you that much! Heather (well Arthur too) and I planned this after I realized it was your birthday. We where a little worried we would get caught, since all your lights where on and curtains open. You parked right underneath the kitchen sink, and I was shocked when you didn’t hear us! It was fun saran wrapping your car! I forgot the car paint, but thankfully I found craft glitter in my car! Those
bags of balloons stuck to your window were meant to be blown up and put in your car, but you locked the doors, and I did not want to add breaking and entering to my record. I just wanted to make sure you know how much we heart you, and are hoping you had a great birthday!
Posted by Ambs at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Girls Night!!!
So when I got back from camping, I was planning on showing, but it was occupied! I instead went straight to getting a hair cut! I got a message form a friend that she wanted to do a girls night, and I was in dire need to one! I had just enough time to go shower, and get dolled up! A group of us met at this place in Sugarhouse/Millcreek called Divas. They have a barista, and they do cupcakes and sandwiches. It was a cute little shop and the food was not too bad. It was nice to get to know other girls, and just not worry about boys!
After dinner, three of sectioned off and went to a family chocolate shop called “Hatch’s”, it is located in the Avenues by the Smiths. The smell when you walked in, was to die for! For those of you that truly know me know that I love dark chocolate! It is the one thing that keeps me going, and my aunt loves to throw it at me and run when I am depressed. I got a small box of chocolates to go (I bought eight, and I still have four left! I am super proud of myself!), and I tried a scoop of the bear claw ice cream. It was yummy!
We then met for a dollar movie, we went and saw ‘7 Pounds’. My review is on my movie blog if you care to check it out. They had issues with getting the screen to focus, I don’t think it is rocket science, but I guess it was for them! It was hard to focus and it hurt my eyes, but I stuck it out. My one friend could not handle it, so she left. I was going to leave too, but I would have felt horrible to leave someone alone!
After being active all day, and the day before I was ready for bed when I got home! I’m such a loser, I was in bed by eleven on a Saturday night, with the help of two sleeping pills! It was so nice to sleep that hard for eleven hours! The morning after was not very fun though, I had what felt like a hangover from the pills, but it was worth it!
Posted by Ambs at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Heber Campout
So I had the joys this past weekend to go camping in Heber at the Church camping property. It is located up the side of one of the Mountains in Heber, and I mean WAY up the mountain, I was worried my pour car would not make it at one point! When we got there finally, it was SO cold! I drove up with Dallin, and it was with my old singles ward from Centerville. It was interesting. It was nice to be back with some of my old friends and make new ones! Of course there was always a few people that I did not expect to see, but if you put a smile on your face and shrug it off, it sometimes helps!
My friend Rachelle made a giant Twister game, and that seemed to be popular! After hours of chatter, fun games, and yummy snacks, I felt it was time to hit the sack! I drank a lot of water throughout the night, and I purposely remembered to go potty twice before bed just to be safe! Not that you really wanted to know that, but deep down I think you did! So I made the hike up to our cabin. It was freezing outside, and the cabin was not much warmer! It turned out that my friend who saved me a bed, shafted me and put me on the top bunk! I hate heights, and was not at all excited when I put my air mattress up there and there was no roll off guard left! I put a few layers on and climbed into bed. I was terrified the entire night that I would roll off! Then I got really cold, even though I had plenty of layers. Oh and my iPod died (I thought I charged it! I NEED something to listen to, to help me fall asleep!) Then I woke up at one point and had to go potty, AGAIN! I was too scared to get down; I seriously thought I would fall. Mind you, I sleep on a bed with cinder blocks, up very high, I have a stepping stool to help me get up there and I have never rolled off, but this was higher and I was scared! I decided to wait until everyone else woke up, it was a long night and I never fell asleep, I just tossed and turned all night long.
When the morning chatter started, I jumped down from the top bunk and raced to the restroom. I was so glad the sun was out, it was a little chilly, but better than snowing! We went down to our ‘lodge’ and had a huge breakfast. While others raced off to go tubing (I do NOT tube anymore, not since my accident in the third grade, I have a tendency to go to hospitals…) and hiking a group of us stayed back and cleaned up and played games. It was fun to just relax. I was glad that I was not one that got hurt, there where a lot of bruising and hurt people later that day.
After lunch we packed everything, and headed home. When all was said and done, I am glad that Dallin dragged me out there. It was nice to break away and just feel free for a night.
Posted by Ambs at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tryin To Make Some Lemon-Aid...
So it has been a tough week... I am not sure yet, but I think I might block this blog to certain users or just only post on my private blog. I am still fighting with the city of Centerville to get my refund, I was about to make an emergency trip up their today, but I ended up working late so I can go with my old singles ward camping tomorrow night.
In talking to other people, I have herd from multiple people their horror stories of being arrested under close to the same circumstances. It makes me all the more angrier, and more a reason to fight. The way everything went down yes, causes some laughter (they even checked my uncles license to see if they can get 3 when he claimed my luggage) but frustration and hurt comes along with it.
Another thing that hurts, is that someone who I thought was a friend announced to everyone in relief society on Sunday what happened, without even talking to me beforehand. I was just starting to get "comfortable" in my ward, and I am having a tough time fighting Satan on this and wanting to even go back...
Today was I think a new low. My company gave me a raise. Not a very big one, but nice non the less. I know for a fact that not everyone got one, but what kills me inside was all the layoffs they did today. The took out the entire 2nd floor in my office, except four. I found out after it happened, and my heart sank. Some of them I have come to know and care about. There was roughly 20 employees that are now jobless, while I sit here with a bonus last check and raise now. I think the best part was how it happened, when my boss pulls me up to her desk, and wrote down on a mini yes, a mini sticky note 4 names. She then proceeds to tell me that they are the ONLY employees left. And then to find out the IT department is standing in the stairwell, listening to this whole thing take place. How heartless can some be? I know I need to be grateful for having a job, but it makes me sad to see others suffer. I just wish I could have said goodbye to some of them!
This is my current life, take it and love it... All I can do is look for the light at the end of the tunnel, and move forward. I am trying my hardest to make lemonade these days, but my lemons want to sting my eye...
Posted by Ambs at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Go Straight To Jail... Do Not Pass GO Or Collect $100
***So this is going to be an interesting post… I wrote on my facebook page about my trip back home to Vancouver Washington, and they will be posted here soon as well. This post is about the journey after I landed back in Salt Lake and a 'night' in jail. Mind you there was no Shanking, Robbing or Assualting involved...
My flight was delayed leaving Portland, and I was not sure when we would actually land so I was told to call my roommate when we landed so she would just leave then. We live fairly close to the freeway, so in all actuality it is all freeways. As she was coming into the airport, there are a few ‘speed traps’ and sadly she was caught in one of them. When the “Airport Police” pulled her over, they found a bench warrant for an unpaid ticket to the city of Midvale. This in turn led to her Arrest. She called me and said that this nice officer was going to swing around pick me up, sign over the rights to the car and I would meet her at the county jail. This is where it went weary.
As I was getting ready to sign paperwork for the vehicle, and was heating up the car, they asked to see my driver’s license. Apparently the fine that I was paying for the city of Centerville (Expired Registration and not the currant Insurance cards in my car) something was wrong and I too had a bench warrant out for my arrest. This had the arresting officers laughing hysterically. So they in turn arrested me as well. This was by far the best coming home present anyone could have asked for!
I hurried and wrote down my roommates, roommate’s boyfriend, Aunt, Uncles and parents numbers. I also quickly called my boss laughing that I was being arrested for a traffic violation and I would try to make it into to work at 7am. They then told me that since this ‘infraction’ happened in Davis County and I was in Salt Lake County, that they would need to transport me up there, but since the snow was so bad up there, they did not want to come ‘claim’ me until the morning. Welcome to a free night in the slammer!
They put the cuff on me, stuck me in the back of the “Airport Police” SUV (mind you I find this funny it was an airport police officer, and the fact that this is all they have to do. What type of officer screws up enough on the job and gets ‘Airport’ duty?! That’s like getting parking enforcement duty!) and took me to Salt Lake County jail. They did not buckle me in, and he drove like a speed demon! I was scared he would crash, and I would die from a lack of seatbelt! When they got me in the pre-booking area, they asked if they needed assistance, and my officer was all like “No she’s a good kid”. This made me irate. If I am a ‘good’ kid why am in hand cuffs?! Why is he putting me through this?! That was when I saw my amazing roommate and we just laughed. At this point, you can cry or just laugh it off. We chose the laughter in place of getting upset.
They later questioned me about my medical history and medications what not. He came to the all too familiar question of “Do you have any current or past considerations of Suicide?” I answer, “Well right now I do!” He did not find that so funny and actually yelled at me… How do you really want me to answer that? Then after getting basically violated (The officer had to make sure I was not ‘carrying’ anything and when it got to the front chest area, she was like “obviously you can’t get anything else in there!”) they where ready to take me down to the holding area. Mind you I was slightly disappointed, there was no actual bars or real cells, they where all mostly just a ‘pit’. I found my roommate once again, and I felt comfortable. Honestly if I had to go through this with anyone, I would totally pick her! However, I did have to use the restroom since PDX, and I was terrified of using the “inmate” bathroom! It took me almost two hours to finally get over it, and suck it up. That is the last I wish to comment on this, I have a huge phobia of using public restrooms, and it was not pretty…
I then called my uncle to see what was going on. I called him at the time of the ‘arrest’ and he was coming to help. He also works with the department of corrections. We then found out it would take 2-3 hours, and that he should just go home and to bed. I was then told to call my one roommate at home and let her know what was going on. I couldn’t help but laugh when she picked up the phone at 1:30am, and it said “Will you accept a collect call from Amber an inmate at Salt Lake County Jail?” Sadly her phone would not accept collect calls, and that was a no go. She started to stress though and then I felt horrible. I did not want to stress her out too!
Somewhere in the mix my roommate and I where separated and it was harder to stay calm for myself. For the record I would once again like to point out “TRAFFIC VIOLTION” and I was sitting in the same area of gang bangers, drug dealers, druggies, assault charged and one person who had a DUI and ran her ex boyfriend over with her car! I was sitting there in my nice new designer jeans I bought for my trip, a nice blouse, slippers and a sports jacket, and I felt like the prude person! After the picture taking, pre trial and finger printing it was around 3am. My roommate was released close to 3 hours before me, and I was still stuck there since it was another counties jurisdiction. Because of it being Davis County, I had to pay the initial ticket I was giving back in July, with out what I had paid on it already, which totaled $1030, oh and in cash before I would be released. Thankfully my roommate helped me post bail, and in just enough time. If I could not come up with all of it within 2 hours, then they would ‘dress’ me in for the rest of the night. Let me just say what I herd they do for that was not appealing and did not want to do any of that!
There were lots of other interesting things that happened, but a lot of it I choose to forget. I still had to sit there on these cement blocks basically for another 2 ½ hours after my bail was posted before they released me! Oh and they will not let you sleep, lean, lie down, put your feet up, stand or anything! By the time I left it was close to 5:30am, and it had been close to being awake for almost 24 hours, and I had to be to work at 7am! That was the just of my experience. Oh and the fact that I guess I am allergic like my mom to different metals and my wrists started to break out into a rash yesterday, and they swelled along with the bruising. I did not get to take a nap until about 2:30pm, since my boss let me off early but I had to help my roommate find her rental car that was impounded and all that fun stuff. All in all interesting experience, I hate “airport” police, and learned that the city of Centerville sucks and always make sure they receive everything, even if the check clears the bank! I now have to fight with them about getting a refund. Oh what great great fun I get to deal with now!
*Oh and for the record, the officers in the jail, could not stop laughing at the reason why where in there! Not only that, but the look of "joy" on the arresting officers face when they brought me in at least was ridiculous! All the other officers with the gang arrests and cocaine bust where making fun of the "Airport" Police officer for his "BIG" capture!
Posted by Ambs at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
So I sit here in the Salt Lake Airport, waiting with anticipation and tears starting the swell in my eyes... For the first time in exactly 18 month to the day, going back home to Vancouver/.Portland! I need this trip, I need to clear my head, to remember what its all about... Life is tough, and I have one comfort place in this world, and I get to spend the next four days there!
I sit here eating my cinnibon, listening to music while watching the snow come down. Wondering if my flight will take off on time or delayed, it does not matter to me. Nothing can change my feelings or excitement for this weekend! Just to be able to escape from life for a minute, means more to me than anyone can ever imagine!
So with this all said, I am sitting on the plane, and being told to turn off electronic devices. I guess when I turn my trusty blackberry on, I will be home in the land I love!!!
Posted by Ambs at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Randomness of my life & Random facts...
So I keep getting these tags for the 25 things about yourself. I am too lazy to tag anyone, but its here to look if anyone wants to see. Note, this is me being honest, and some of you might not be prepared to read this! The following are in no particular order...
*I have not drunk in almost a year, and I am planning on sticking it with it this time.
*I worry that I will never see my brother again.
*I am an avid Obama supporter
*I am terrified of serious relationships, and tend to take off running when things get too serious.
*I miss doing woodworking projects with my dad.
*I do not have a good relationship with my dad, and wish things where different...
*I miss the rain, and love to dance in it when it comes down.
*I hated living in Vegas, but wonder what would have happened if I had stayed.
*I am starting to miss cooking in restaurants and bakeries.
*I have an addiction to baguettes and bread.
*I miss going to concerts almost every night in Portland.
*I placed 3rd in baking for the VICA Washington State competition.
*I am terrified of failing in life.
*I bought a drum set in high school and shortly after realized my hands and feet do not work well together.
*I have a phobia of public restrooms, it has taken years and years to even consider going inside one.
*I miss everything there is about downtown Portland, especially the Burnside district and the Roxy.
*If the time ever comes and I do get married, I really do not want a diamond, I would be happy with a ring pop or Cracker Jack prize!
*I love my mom more than anyone in the world, and I glad she’s been there for me during some of toughest times of my life.
*Thinks my Aunt Margie is the second most important person in my life, and she can tell anytime I am trying to hide something from her.
*I burned my entire right forearm on a heat lamp at Taco Bell when I worked there in high school.
*I believe fishies should swim freely in the ocean like Finding Nemo, but I have no problem hurting Bessie the Cow, and this coming from someone who used to live in the Pacific Northwest home for their Seafood, and visited my Grandpa’s farm every summer!
*I miss my grandfather almost everyday, and miss spending time on the farm and as a kid riding the four wheelers.
*I totaled my 1st car in Vegas, and now I am scared of other peoples driving, even my mothers! I have a tendency of putting my arms up or grabbing the handles if I panic that something is going to happen.
*I do not believe white chocolate is real chocolate, the only real chocolate is dark and I think the darker is better! YUMM!
*I love watching independent and under-named films, same goes for music as well.
*I have been felt up by Ben Kweller, an AMAZING musician I have also seen twice in concert.
*I sometimes like to sew, and in high school made a majority of my skirts and pajama pants.
*I always wanted to get hit by a car and brake my leg, until the day after I moved to Utah I fell down the stairs, sprained my ankle and changed my mind about ever wanting to brake a bone or use crutches ever again!
*I broke my brother’s pinky when I was chasing him around our old house when I 'accidentally' tripped him...
*One of my favorite places to escape to is Rockaway Beach, and of course stopping at the Tillamook Cheese factory on the way to get Cheese Curds and Ice Cream!
*I love bowling, but I am completely horrible at it, my worst score was 14 and I could always bowl better when I was drunk.
*I am allergic to dark ale’s; besides the fact that I think it tastes Icky!
*One of my favorite things to do when I worked at the Bellagio was go out on the patio on a warm night and watch the final fountain show if I got all my work cleaned up in enough time.
*Other than Utah, I have never been ID'ed to go into clubs, but was checked when I went and saw the 40 Year Old Virgin. Vegas was interesting…
*I have moved 9 times in less than 4 years.
*I like to wear things on my wrists, especially hospital bands.
*I got my Tonsils out when I was 20 and it was one of the worst physical pains I have ever felt.
*I got in a fight with a rock when I was in third grade, and sadly the rock one and it took two stitches underneath and 16 outside to close it up. I have an awesome scar on my right temple.
*I am afraid that one day I am going to wake and think that everything was just a dream, and I won’t really live in the house I live in now. It all seems too good to be true!
Posted by Ambs at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Supid Car Problems... AGAIN!
Stupid Stupid car! I am getting so frustrated with it! I showed my car love and support yesterday when I washed it for the first time in over a year (yes I know that is sick and wrong, but that is just how I am!), and even cleaned it out top to bottom last week! Well anyways, last night I was driving back from Santaquin, where my family was having a Super Bowl get together, and I thought everything was fine, except for when my fuse blew around American Fork, AGAIN!
I have a fuse that allows me to have dashboard lights (trust me, it is hard to see at night, and know your speed!) and my park lights in the back! Thankfully one of my uncles was with his family a few miles behind me, but SERIOUSLY! I am so sick and tired of car problems! We then couldn’t find the fuse that it was, since when it happened about a month ago, I wasn’t the one that fixed it! We gave up after so long (the way my fuse box sits, it under my steering wheel and there is not enough space between them to pull and my pliers where too big!), and they followed me around the mountain to my house.
It took me about an hour to find it, I tried using tweezers, a flat head screw driver and nothing was grasping it or loosening it up so I could grab it! I was so frustrated that I finally went up to my room and started digging through boxes to find if I had needle nose pliers. Thankfully my mom gave me a bead kit years ago that I will never use, and there where a pair in there! Thank you lifesaver! So I was able to fix it by myself after all last night, and I was feeling good about myself and thought that I could do almost anything, until the morning…
I was running late this morning, and as I raced out to my car, I was upset when I had to scrape my windows! I got in the car, and put it into reverse, and then the fuse blew again! So I pulled into the driveway and fixed it, again! As I pulled out of the driveway for the second time, it blew once more! I had run out of #10 fuses, so I stopped by Macy’s a local family owned grocery store. They did not have a box of just #10, but I ended up buying an assortment. It looked there was more than one, but I was wrong! I paid almost $4 for 1 fuse (I may use the other some day, but not today!), and when I went to go fix it, it blew for a 3rd time this morning! By now I was late to work, and I said forget it, and just drove. Thankfully the sun is coming out more so in the mornings again, so it was too dangerous. I have to figure out what it is going on, and I am going insane now! This happened once before with my BMW, and when we put in a larger fuse it stopped. Hopefully that will help, if not I want to call it quits!
Posted by Ambs at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Portland, here I come!
YEAH!!! I'm super excited! I finally did it, I bought a plane ticket home to Portland! I have not been back since my 21st birthday, a year and half ago! I was going to fly out on Friday night after work, but I waited too long, and it was cheaper to fly out Saturday morning! I will be in Vancouver/Portland Feb 14th (happy valentines day to me) through Tue Feb 17th! I can't wait! These next two weeks are going to crawl by!
Posted by Ambs at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
New Outlook And A Clean Break
So this past weekend I took some friends up to my parent’s cabin (that is coming soon in another blog) in Island Park, Idaho. It was a weekend of refection, and chances for me to some what try to clear my head, even though there was a lot going on. I see two people in my head, one headed down a great amazing life with Gospel in the outcome, and one down a path without the Church and not the best things in my mind. This made me think more about the personal paths I am headed down.
I know that I am no where near as close to the path of destruction as I was when I lived in Vegas, but I can feel myself and my testimony slipping away again, and I know this has to do with the company that I am keeping. Now it is a choice of destruction or happiness, and I am ready to do what I need to, to choose the happier path. I am cutting loose those in my life do not help bring and lift me up. Life is too short and too busy to feel sad or despaired! I know in my heart this is the right thing to do, and I know that it is defiantly easier after some of the experiences I had this weekend.
I need people around that can encourage me to get up at 7:30 in the morning and go to church when I am on vacation. Someone who helps me strive to be a better person and go to the Temple as often as I can. I am hoping that some of these changes will last, and that I can go onto feeling like I used to and striving to go to the ward activities and loosing myself in various service projects! Here is to a new me!
Posted by Ambs at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Another Shooting, Another School

Anyway, there was a shooting 2 blocks away from Kerns high school, this school is located on the West side of town, close to West Jordan. My uncle lived around the corner from there up to about 2 years ago, and my other Aunt and Uncle live down the street. I know the area well, and know that it is an unsafe area to live in. there are lots of gangs and such and that was part of the reason why my family moved further south into a nicer neighborhood of West Jordan, and the other down to Utah County. The shock in the situation is that the shooting was 16 years old, and the official say it was a gang related shooting.
Now I am not sure if the child that was shot multiple times in the stomach, rushed to intensive care and later died was apart of a gang but I do feel sorry. Especially for the parents, I feel it would be the hardest thing to have to burry your child, and because of such a horrific crime to say the least. But this is what really caught me off guard today.
This morning I came into my office like normal. I didn’t say a word; I just basically keep my mouth shut in the mornings and get through the first few hours. Well, as I walked in I herd one of the girls talking about the shooting, and she said “I just don’t understand, it is such a good school and area.” Now, maybe compared to the South where she grew up it might be a “good” area, but last time I checked it up there with living in West Valley! I also herd her say that it was a good High School and that’s why her step daughter picked to go there.
I do not want to offend anyone, and I certainly hope I am not. Believe me, I went to an older high school and I loved it. We where also in a good area, and had the least amount of drugs and violence in our school. We consistently took home awards, and my High school was invited to march in the inaugural parade. I don’t know if Kerns High school has good academics, or award winning extra curricular activities, but I know that they are not the best, nor the safest high school in the areas. Your opinion may be one thing, but check the facts before you say something as bold as “the best school in the area.”
Posted by Ambs at 8:16 AM 0 comments
A Historic Event

I will forever remember what I was doing the exact moment when Barack took that sacred oath. My company has a tendency to block video footage and certain websites. All I wanted to do was watch the inauguration though! I was able to get to a point on CNN, where it authorized it, however there was a wait list! I mean seriously?! Get with technology CNN! So I was getting frantic and decided to try out MSNBC. Thank somebody cause it pulled it up right away! I was able to get live feed right as the orchestra played before he took the oath. Since my office has been so quiet, I couldn’t really turn up the sound on my laptop, but I say him raise his right arm, and that was good enough for me! I got through about half of the inauguration address when my computer blocked everything (THANK YOU I.T. Department!).
At which point CNN had already published the address, and I had to fight back the tears from streaming down my face. What an amazing person! In my mind I feel that Obama has accomplished more since November 5th alone, than *wonderful* Bush did in his last two years in office. I only hope that he will someday be held accountable for all of the amazing things he did…
To be honest, the entire address was beautiful and from the heart, but here are a few pieces that really touched me:
"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.
These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land -- a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.
Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America: They will be met.
On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.
On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.
Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions -- who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans. Their memories are short. For they have forgotten what this country has already done; what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage.
What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them -- that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply. The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works -- whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end. And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.
Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill. Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched, but this crisis has reminded us that without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control -- and that a nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous. The success of our economy has always depended not just on the size of our gross domestic product, but on the reach of our prosperity; on our ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart -- not out of charity, but because it is the surest route to our common good.
To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West: Know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.
To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds. And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.
America. In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
I think my favorite part is, “To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” How powerful and amazing! FINALLY someone who wants in my opinion a different option than war all the time! I know that if we all just work together, we can bring America up again, and realize how truly good we have it, and lend a helping hand things will be good again! I feel that because of greed and pure stupidity we got ourselves into this mess, and there is only one way to make it right again.
I look forward to coming years, and see how we as a nation can build ourselves up again. I am excited for these new challenges and see what path we will take. I know that we made a great option in this election, and here is the next eight!
Posted by Ambs at 7:41 AM 0 comments