In my normal everyday boredom at work, I usually like to catch up on the world news and spend a large portion of my day on and These two websites seem to quench my thirst for news today, and keep me up to date with things happening in the world today. With being LDS, I understand that most m
embers seem to support the Republicans and are more conservative than most. However, I on the other hand seem to be more Liberal and vote the Democratic way. I have never hidden the factor that I am an Obama supporter, and I am proud to call him President.
Talking to some of my friends over the past few months that do tend to stay on the Republican realm of things, I feel shut down at the news around them and do not see the good in what is going on since Obama has taken office. I personally feel a lot have not really opened their minds and hearts to hear him out, and to know that what he says he backs up as a person.
Yesterday when I pulled up my trusty Huffington Post, I was upset and proud at the same time to see the front headlines be about Obama upset with AIG about the bonus’s being given with the bailout fund. I am a hardworking citizen, I do not agree with certain aspects of the bailout with my tax payer’s money, however I was excited that someone finally acknowledged what was going on! From day one, I have herd Obama say nothing but the fact that the day of golden parachutes are over. That the CEO’s of these major banking institutions that ran their own company into the ground would not be compensated with large bonuses and raises anymore. That is exactly what he is doing, and I happy he is going after AIG finally! I do not want to pay some millionaire a huge bonus with my taxes when I can sometimes barely make my ends meet alone!
On CNN this morning (which not sure if most of you know is a predominately conservative news reporting channel) Jeff Cafferty, said it perfectly in his Commentary Titled: Obama a Leader Who Actually Leads. Here is his article:

Talking to some of my friends over the past few months that do tend to stay on the Republican realm of things, I feel shut down at the news around them and do not see the good in what is going on since Obama has taken office. I personally feel a lot have not really opened their minds and hearts to hear him out, and to know that what he says he backs up as a person.
Yesterday when I pulled up my trusty Huffington Post, I was upset and proud at the same time to see the front headlines be about Obama upset with AIG about the bonus’s being given with the bailout fund. I am a hardworking citizen, I do not agree with certain aspects of the bailout with my tax payer’s money, however I was excited that someone finally acknowledged what was going on! From day one, I have herd Obama say nothing but the fact that the day of golden parachutes are over. That the CEO’s of these major banking institutions that ran their own company into the ground would not be compensated with large bonuses and raises anymore. That is exactly what he is doing, and I happy he is going after AIG finally! I do not want to pay some millionaire a huge bonus with my taxes when I can sometimes barely make my ends meet alone!
On CNN this morning (which not sure if most of you know is a predominately conservative news reporting channel) Jeff Cafferty, said it perfectly in his Commentary Titled: Obama a Leader Who Actually Leads. Here is his article:
NEW YORK (CNN) -- What a welcome change to feel like someone is running the country instead of running it into the ground.
President Obama has done more in eight weeks than George W. Bush did in eight years -- unless you include starting a couple of wars.
While the armchair quarterbacks second guess the new president, he gets up every day and does things, lots of things.
Whether it's creating commissions for women and girls, ordering the investigation of President Bush's use of signing statements, or jamming a huge stimulus package through Congress, the man is working his tail off. And he seems to be loving every minute of it. It's almost as though our president was born to do exactly what he's doing. He's leading, and boy, is that refreshing.
I remember many times when Bush was in office wondering who the hell was running the country. Then he would appear somewhere in front of a handpicked audience to utter some banalities or say something utterly stupid and I would be reminded. I don't miss him.
That's not to say President Obama hasn't stubbed his toe here and there. Signing that omnibus spending bill with all those earmarks in it after campaigning so hard against pork was probably a mistake. The opportunity was right there to send that bill back to Congress with a note that read, "I told you I am against earmarks and I meant it. Now do it over and send me something clean." Nancy Pelosi's head would have probably exploded, but the American people would have been ready to crown him king.
There are serious questions about whether Tim Geithner has what it takes to solve the banking crisis. Either nationalize the big ones in trouble or let them fail. It doesn't seem that just continuing to hand them money is working.
Better background checks on some of his appointees would have saved him some embarrassment. There's no excuse for asking someone like Tom Daschle with his problems to do anything.
But the point, I guess, is this: President Obama is attacking our country's problems on several fronts. He's got ambitious ideas on how to solve them, and he communicates a sense of calm and confidence to the rest of us as he goes about his business. Will all his ideas work? Of course not. But if you throw enough stuff at the wall, some of it will stick.
And at least I don't go to bed at night worried that I'll wake up in the morning to find out we're about to invade someone.
I do not think he could have said it any better! For those of you out there that may have voted towards McCain, or other. For those that may be stubborn to hear out President Obama and what he has to say, please open your hearts and your mind to what is going on! Give him an honest chance and you will see he is a man of his word, who sticks up for what he believes, and does not beat around the bush or lie about what is really going on. He never once said this depression was going to be easy, he is not sugar coating anything!
And at least I don't go to bed at night worried that I'll wake up in the morning to find out we're about to invade someone.
I do not think he could have said it any better! For those of you out there that may have voted towards McCain, or other. For those that may be stubborn to hear out President Obama and what he has to say, please open your hearts and your mind to what is going on! Give him an honest chance and you will see he is a man of his word, who sticks up for what he believes, and does not beat around the bush or lie about what is really going on. He never once said this depression was going to be easy, he is not sugar coating anything!
Amen sista!
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