Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Outlook And A Clean Break

So this past weekend I took some friends up to my parent’s cabin (that is coming soon in another blog) in Island Park, Idaho. It was a weekend of refection, and chances for me to some what try to clear my head, even though there was a lot going on. I see two people in my head, one headed down a great amazing life with Gospel in the outcome, and one down a path without the Church and not the best things in my mind. This made me think more about the personal paths I am headed down.

I know that I am no where near as close to the path of destruction as I was when I lived in Vegas, but I can feel myself and my testimony slipping away again, and I know this has to do with the company that I am keeping. Now it is a choice of destruction or happiness, and I am ready to do what I need to, to choose the happier path. I am cutting loose those in my life do not help bring and lift me up. Life is too short and too busy to feel sad or despaired! I know in my heart this is the right thing to do, and I know that it is defiantly easier after some of the experiences I had this weekend.

I need people around that can encourage me to get up at 7:30 in the morning and go to church when I am on vacation. Someone who helps me strive to be a better person and go to the Temple as often as I can. I am hoping that some of these changes will last, and that I can go onto feeling like I used to and striving to go to the ward activities and loosing myself in various service projects! Here is to a new me!