Monday, March 21, 2011

Why hello stairs, nice to meet you!

So I know it has been far too long, and there is so much I need to get caught up on, but where to start is the problem. Let me at least start by filling you on what is happened as of recently. End of October, first Washington DC with my roommate Penny and her niece Mandy to catch the “Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally to restore sanity and/or keep fear alive”. That is another blog all together though…..
We got into town around midnight on Tuesday the 2nd, and thankfully I took Wednesday off to help recover (4200 miles in 6 days is a lot!). I was awoken early that morning with a call from my buddy from work and my best friend had an accident at work and long story short was rushed to the ER unconscious (she is doing better now, but still plenty of medical problems). I of course freaked out and raced out the door to be with her. After she was released I spent the day helping her and her family out.

When I FINALLY got home I went upstairs to change, and as I was at the top of the steps I don’t know what happened, but I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. I hit my head really hard, and when I finally landed at the bottom it took a few minutes to catch my breath. When I started to stand, I knew something was wrong. This pain was nothing like I had experienced! Seeing as how I took the last week off work, I could not call in, so I went to work anyways. After talking to my aunt, I scheduled a Chiropractor appointment for Thursday hoping they could fix me up and help me walk better. When he first started to examine me, I nearly jumped off the table with how horrible the pain was. From that I was referred to a digital x ray for Friday.

After being at work and having to sit, I began to feel like I cracked my tailbone or something. When I went to the x-ray place at lunch, the radiologist was concerned and could tell I was in true amounts of pain. He told me to make an appointment and get seen right away. At this point, 2 days without sleep was wearing on me. I called my Aunt and she suggested I go to the Insta Care and get seen. When I got there, the doctor told me he was amazed that I was even walking and tried to make me take an ambulance to IMC. I waived medical attention so I could drive myself. Thankfully my aunt and my best friend joined me. I was really scared.
After a long night (getting there at 6:20pm and not leaving until 3:30am) I finally had answers! From a previous accident they found that my T11 is in a “constant back fracture state” (this meaning I fractured in a prior accident, more than likely the Vegas car crash of 05 and it healed wrong and it re-fractured on impact), minor scoliosis in my T9-T10 section, multiple deep contusions and a cyst on my lower right lung. I was referred to a Spinal Specialist, and other doctors to make sure everything heals correctly and what not.

I ended up spending the night at my friend Tiff’s house, since I was in no shape to drive. Thankfully, she lives right next to the hospital so we left my car there. The next morning, I woke up and felt really sick (morphine and Percocet on and empty stomach, not such a good idea). When we were getting ready to leave, I started to feel really sick. Tiff’s husband took us to my car and she drove me to Smith’s to fill my prescriptions. As I walked in the store, I walked across the front registers to get to the pharmacy, I made it down 4 registers, and I was violently ill. Thankfully, I found a garbage can, but I still feel awkward going into that store, I only shop there and Winco! Tiff’s husband helped me limp back to my car, while she helped me with the rest. Talk about embarrassing!!!!!!