Monday, March 21, 2011

Reduction Mammoplasty?

So over the past few months, it has been a lot of doctor’s appointments and trying to get to at least where I used to be as far as back pain and what not. Certain things have helped but other things have gotten worse. I am now at a point where I can cook and be on feet for longer than 10 minutes and not feel like my back is on fire. One of the downsides to my medical issues, is I have been getting more migraines and sadly, with my stomach I cannot take anything.

After meeting with my Primary Care doctor, we have decided that since surgery on spine can cause more harm than good that I should look into the option of Reduction Mammoplasty (aka breast reduction). After looking it to it more, my insurance will cover it due to my significant back problems.

I was able to get my referral I needed, and met with my plastic surgeon last week. The 15 minute consult turned out to be about an hour. I felt bad for those waiting, but I had a lot of questions and concerns. Surprisingly it is one of the least painful plastic surgeries out there, and even though I will be sore for a little bit, In the long run it will be worth it.

At this point, the doctor’s office is taking care of all the insurance hoops and what not, all I have to do is show up :) my pre-op appointment is currently scheduled for Tuesday April 26th and my surgery for Thursday April 28th. Hopefully since I am allergic to latex, it normally gives me a free pass for the 1st surgery to make sure everything is clean. Since my surgeon does not utilize drainage tubes (he said it doesn’t make a huge different with this surgery, and it will save additional scaring) he requires to make me stay in the hospital for monitoring at least the first day. They also told me to take 2 weeks off work. I personally do not think I will be out that long, so thankfully I talked with my boss into only making me take 1 week off work as long as I have medical release.

Back to Work Already?

After being on medical leave for 3 weeks, (no paycheck) I made the decision to go back to work. My Primary Care DR was not thrilled with the idea of this. She reluctantly signed the release papers for me and started back on January 3rd. it was very different having to go back. I noticed that the stress was not overly wonderful and I got exhausted super easy. My doctor ran some more tests, and looking back now, I had Mono at the same time. I would basically come home from work and sleep; I spent all weekend in bed trying to prepare for the next week. I basically stopped going out and hanging out with my friends, which was sad cause I really felt like I getting to a place here to maybe like living in Utah.

I know that, Heavenly Father gives us only what we can handle, some days are tougher than others. Like I have told many, it is one day at a time. Thankfully at this point (4 months later) I am getting to a point where I have more energy and can do more. I still struggle with food, and I will for a long time. I dream of a day when I can actually eat a salad and not feel like my insides are burning! When I can eat whole grains, fresh raw veggies, lemon-aide, spaghetti sauce, etc and not be in pain. Someday.

Odds and Ends, more Doctors....

So I have the back fracture, the disk disease and now the gastritis. In the middle of all of this, and the multiple CT Scans, MRI’s and X-rays, they found that my “simple cyst” on my right ovary, has now changed to a “Complex Cyst” and my doctor advised me that I needed to get that looked at right away.

After meeting with a new OB, they went ahead and gave me a PAP and put me back on birth control to see if that will help with all those pains and cyst issues. One week later I got a phone call from the doctor’s office and they told me my PAP came back with abnormalities and they wanted to do a colopscopy (or something like that). To be honest, when the nurse called to tell me, my brain stopped working when she used the phrase “Cervical Cancer”. They scheduled the procedure for two weeks out. They told me that it hurts, and they recommend that I take a pain reliever prior. Mind you, with the stomach issues, there is nothing I can take that will not put me back in the hospital.

The basic idea of this procedure is to open me up, and put a solution inside me and then the light will glow where there is concerning spot. When my doctor started, it freaked me out when he said “Awe, crap!” sorry, but when you are in a compromising position down there, with medical instruments, that is not something that I really want to hear. The worst case scenario, which happened, they decided to use my insides as a human whole punch. He starting snipping away, and when they say “little pinch” it is not a little pinch. That hurt! I honestly could not walk or sit for the two days!

I received the results about a week later (let me tell you, having to wait for a week to find out if you have the C-word or not is DEVISTATING!), and found out that it is only mild hiplasia, which is the pre-cancer cancer cells. Thankfully, I just have to go back in 6 months to check it out again. Hopefully all will be well, and I can forget about this.


So after the visit to the ER for the allergic reaction, my doctors put me on more meds to counter act. The Spinal doctor originally prescribed me Naproxen to help with the inflammation in my back. The dangers of this drug is not mixing any NSaids so no over the counter medication without doctor’s approval, no ibuprofen or Excedrin, nothing nada zip. If you forget to take with food, your body will cramp up. There are so many wonderful things to say about this one. The doctors figure that with the double dosage of steroids and the naproxen caused the next issue.
Almost a week later I just lost it at work. I was shaking and in so much pain, I decided to talk with my director and go out on medical leave. My Primary care doctor thought it was for the best as well, since the stress of the year end and peak season was not helping promote my healing process. The next morning, exactly a week to the day (from the last ER visit) I woke up with the worst stomach pain I have ever experienced. Words cannot describe this pain, all I know is that it was so bad I could not stand up straight, nor move that well. I hopped into the shower and made the decision to go to the hospital. I was extremely nauseous and I felt the pain was getting worse.

I was lucky to have the green light pass straight back to a room, no wait whatsoever. I had 3 nurses and a doctor working on me to get me set. After a CT scan to make sure it was not my appendix and lots of morphine later, they diagnosed me with Gastritis. Basically, my stomach lining is inflamed and there is room for concern of stomach ulcers or bleeding ulcers. They removed me from the naproxen and added a higher dosage of omeprazone, more Percocet and carafate. They also made me drink something called “GI Slider”; this is hands down the sickest thing I have ever drank! It consists of liquid lidocaine, Mylanta and Benadryl. It basically numbs the esophagus down to coat the stomach.

Once I was released, I met with my doctor the next day. We went over the FMLA and leave paperwork and plan of action to get better. At this point, I had cried so much and just was ready to be done with everything. I decided to make the trip home for Christmas a little bit earlier. I left the following day to head up to my parent’s house in Idaho. It was nice to take the 4 hours to just relax and go over everything in my mind. My parents agreed to help me out with my bills and give me a cabin to help me detox and get better.

Most doctors say that gastritis goes away in about 2 weeks. Once I came back to salt lake on the 27th, my doctor was concerned that my stomach was not getting better. Due to my financial issues, I decided to go back to work earlier than she would have wanted me to. She also referred me to Gastro doctor to see if they can find something else that could be wrong.

Spinal Specialist

Now, I am not going to name names of my specialist that I went to, as I really do not like him nor do I have anything positive to say about him…. After meeting with him, he referred me to get an MRI and I had to wait for the results. When I went in about a week later, I was “officially” diagnosed with Degenerative Disk Disease (triple D’s as I call it). In plain terms, essentially the disks in my spine are deteriorating and there is no real cure, just some meds that will help manage it, and steroid injects.

Hesitantly, I decided to try for the steroid injections along with all the other stuff he gave me. Basically, they go in with a digital x-ray machine and put long needles in your lower spin and inject a 3 different steroid concoction and inject it in. I have asked plenty of times what the meds were, but the doctor has yet to come clean about it.

I makes your legs go numb and feel like jello. I couldn’t walk overly well for the rest of the day. I went ahead and took the next day off work just to be safe in case I experienced any of the side effects they talked about. Thankfully my mom was with me. As we were leaving my friend Tiff’s house (I started staying there for awhile, she was great to help and less stairs. I still have flashbacks and get scared to come down from room sometimes!) And heading back to my place to grab some more clothes, all of a sudden my chest, neck and face got sweltering hot and broke out in this giant rash. Concerned, I called my doctor. He called me back about a half hour later. When he did call back, by then my face was swelling and I lost feeling in my toes. He told me to take some Benadryl and call my primary care doctor (yes, he is a REAL gem…) from that point on, I was on a regular dosage of Benadryl and everything else. Maybe it would be good to mention, this was also two days before thanksgiving!
Unless you have experienced a severe allergic reaction, it is tough to explain. My face ached. Another issue was with all the overload of steroids in my body, I could not sleep. I went 3 days that round without any sleep. Finally one night my friend gave me a special pill that was able to help my body relax enough to sleep.

Fast forward two weeks, I was scheduled for my 2nd round of injections. I spoke with my doctor, the nurse and medical assistant all about my concerns. My doctor told me that it was a ‘fluke’ that I had that side effect and said it was vital for my recovery to go through the 2nd round. He also told me to take Benadryl prior to the office visit to see if I can cut the reaction off at the pass. He also suggested that I go to the hospital if my throat starts to close up and not to even bother calling him.

Sure enough, that night I started to get the swelling, and by lunch the next day my throat was clothing up, face swelling like a chipmunk and the rash was spreading. My friend Brenda was so nice to take me to the hospital during lunch. They decided to give me prednisone, omeprazole and an inhaler. I have never had asthma so I had no idea how to use an actual inhaler, it was a learning experience. They also gave me a couple of breathing treatments to open my lungs up more and help me out.
So back to the whole steroid issues, and not being able to sleep, try taking a physical pill steroid along with what is going on in my body. It felt like my body was fighting against everything. Will all the meds and problems, it felt like I was slowly crashing. When I called my Spinal doctor with my concerns and asking for help with the sleeping issue, he basically told me “It’s not my problem, call your primary care physician”. To me, that basically translated to, that sucks, deal with it. (Again, I love Love LOVE that doctor).

Fast forward 1 month, I had to meet with him again to follow up the injections and how I was feeling. After I listed off ALL the issues, he took no responsibility for the problems, did not offer an apology or anything. He gave me back all my films and told me he could not help me. Let’s review, still have back pain, it has helped a little bit everything, but I feel like I am still back at square one.

Why hello stairs, nice to meet you!

So I know it has been far too long, and there is so much I need to get caught up on, but where to start is the problem. Let me at least start by filling you on what is happened as of recently. End of October, first Washington DC with my roommate Penny and her niece Mandy to catch the “Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally to restore sanity and/or keep fear alive”. That is another blog all together though…..
We got into town around midnight on Tuesday the 2nd, and thankfully I took Wednesday off to help recover (4200 miles in 6 days is a lot!). I was awoken early that morning with a call from my buddy from work and my best friend had an accident at work and long story short was rushed to the ER unconscious (she is doing better now, but still plenty of medical problems). I of course freaked out and raced out the door to be with her. After she was released I spent the day helping her and her family out.

When I FINALLY got home I went upstairs to change, and as I was at the top of the steps I don’t know what happened, but I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. I hit my head really hard, and when I finally landed at the bottom it took a few minutes to catch my breath. When I started to stand, I knew something was wrong. This pain was nothing like I had experienced! Seeing as how I took the last week off work, I could not call in, so I went to work anyways. After talking to my aunt, I scheduled a Chiropractor appointment for Thursday hoping they could fix me up and help me walk better. When he first started to examine me, I nearly jumped off the table with how horrible the pain was. From that I was referred to a digital x ray for Friday.

After being at work and having to sit, I began to feel like I cracked my tailbone or something. When I went to the x-ray place at lunch, the radiologist was concerned and could tell I was in true amounts of pain. He told me to make an appointment and get seen right away. At this point, 2 days without sleep was wearing on me. I called my Aunt and she suggested I go to the Insta Care and get seen. When I got there, the doctor told me he was amazed that I was even walking and tried to make me take an ambulance to IMC. I waived medical attention so I could drive myself. Thankfully my aunt and my best friend joined me. I was really scared.
After a long night (getting there at 6:20pm and not leaving until 3:30am) I finally had answers! From a previous accident they found that my T11 is in a “constant back fracture state” (this meaning I fractured in a prior accident, more than likely the Vegas car crash of 05 and it healed wrong and it re-fractured on impact), minor scoliosis in my T9-T10 section, multiple deep contusions and a cyst on my lower right lung. I was referred to a Spinal Specialist, and other doctors to make sure everything heals correctly and what not.

I ended up spending the night at my friend Tiff’s house, since I was in no shape to drive. Thankfully, she lives right next to the hospital so we left my car there. The next morning, I woke up and felt really sick (morphine and Percocet on and empty stomach, not such a good idea). When we were getting ready to leave, I started to feel really sick. Tiff’s husband took us to my car and she drove me to Smith’s to fill my prescriptions. As I walked in the store, I walked across the front registers to get to the pharmacy, I made it down 4 registers, and I was violently ill. Thankfully, I found a garbage can, but I still feel awkward going into that store, I only shop there and Winco! Tiff’s husband helped me limp back to my car, while she helped me with the rest. Talk about embarrassing!!!!!!