Happy 1st Birthday Veronica Julie Capell (aka Roni)!!! On Friday March 27th, marked the one year Birthday, we celebrated on Sunday night with the family! She has been through a lot this past year, but she is so adorable and a spoiled trooper!
On Saturday I went to my Aunt Amber’s little sister Sera’s Baby shower (she is due June 10th with her first baby, and of course it’s a girl!), and took the most adorable picture of Roni playing on the floor with her toys. She loves to kiss thing, and she was playing with one of her cousins on the floor, he I think was 8 months, and she would lean over with her lips puckered to kiss him! It was by far the cutest thing ever! On Sunday when we went down for the Birthday Party, she was so playful and loved all the attention! When the time came for her Birthday cupcakes, she had a little problem blowing out the candles (then again what one year old can?). When they got the paper out from around the cupcake, she just shoved it in her face! For like 3 minutes, all you could see was her with her a giant pink cupcake shoved in her face. When Aunt Kimmie pulled down her hands, you could see frosting everywhere! That little baby ate the
entire thing! She even sucked her fingers (she never does that!) and was mad when Kimmie tried to clean her up! She found frosting under the multiple chins, and up by her ears!
Then they moved to presents! She was completely spoiled and was enjoying the unwrapping part! Aunt Sera reused one of the giant bags from her baby shower the day before, so Roni actually got inside it!
She just barely had her head sticking out of it! All in all it was nice to be able to spend time with family members and those who I don’t get to see to often!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Roni!
Posted by Ambs at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
* This picture is of my baby cousin Veronica Julie Capell (aka "Roni") and my Grandpa's hard hat. I think its adorable!
There is one person who has been in my life, whom a day does not go by and I think about. This person is my Grandfather. I have so many fond memories of him, he was such a caring person who always out other first. He was sick for such a long time, yet he never complained and still continued to put others first. Today marks his birthday, and even though June 16th will be three years since he past, it still feels like yesterday. I remember when I was younger and spending the summers on the farm in Idaho. He would always make sure the 4 wheelers where up and running so Cody and I would have some fun adventures. I still remember the last conversation I had with him, and when I knew it was goodbye. I wait for the day when I will see him again. I miss you Grandpa, happy birthday!
Posted by Ambs at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
If I where to count all my fingers and toes, I would still run out of space for why I heart President Obama so much! Last night topped it all, and I was trying not to cry lying in bed about to fall asleep. Yesterday Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced they where putting an end to “Stop-Loss”. For any of you that may not be familiar with military terminology ‘Stop-Loss’ is also known as a backdoor draft in sense where when a person enlists in the military, they may only sign up to serve four years, but technically in a legal aspect they are enlisted for eight years. The military has a “right” to force you into active duty for the four years after you are done and can send back to active combat duty at anytime.
There has been lots of controversy over this, and as of January studies have shown that 13,200 soldiers who are serving in the war, have all been issued a ‘Stop-Loss’. With Gate’s announcing this new turn of events, they will start pulling back as soon as the beginning of August. They will reduce by 50% as of June of 2010, and by March 2011 there will be no more serving.
During a Pentagon briefing yesterday, Gate’s (who has been fighting for this to end since 2006) said “I believe that when somebody's end date of service comes, to hold them against their will, if you will, is just not the right thing to do... I felt, particularly in these numbers, that it was breaking faith." I personally, 100% agree with this statement, since it really is breaking the faith as a nation! Every single solider that has enlisted, did it out of their willingness to sacrifice their own life. I herd somewhere, “they signed a blank check that was payable up to and including life.” What hope and faith our we sending to them out there when we say thank you for serving your country for four years, but we need you to experience and witness the unthinkable again for another four years?
All I can say now is, THANK YOU! Thank you for giving all of my friends who are serving out there hope again. To know that I wont have to worry about their second or third deployment if they will not come back again. I think this is a huge step in the right direction into gaining hope again for those men and woman who have given so much already. We can begin the process again of healing, and trying to fix what a previous “person” has done …
Posted by Ambs at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Leader Who Actually Leads!

Talking to some of my friends over the past few months that do tend to stay on the Republican realm of things, I feel shut down at the news around them and do not see the good in what is going on since Obama has taken office. I personally feel a lot have not really opened their minds and hearts to hear him out, and to know that what he says he backs up as a person.
Yesterday when I pulled up my trusty Huffington Post, I was upset and proud at the same time to see the front headlines be about Obama upset with AIG about the bonus’s being given with the bailout fund. I am a hardworking citizen, I do not agree with certain aspects of the bailout with my tax payer’s money, however I was excited that someone finally acknowledged what was going on! From day one, I have herd Obama say nothing but the fact that the day of golden parachutes are over. That the CEO’s of these major banking institutions that ran their own company into the ground would not be compensated with large bonuses and raises anymore. That is exactly what he is doing, and I happy he is going after AIG finally! I do not want to pay some millionaire a huge bonus with my taxes when I can sometimes barely make my ends meet alone!
On CNN this morning (which not sure if most of you know is a predominately conservative news reporting channel) Jeff Cafferty, said it perfectly in his Commentary Titled: Obama a Leader Who Actually Leads. Here is his article:
And at least I don't go to bed at night worried that I'll wake up in the morning to find out we're about to invade someone.
I do not think he could have said it any better! For those of you out there that may have voted towards McCain, or other. For those that may be stubborn to hear out President Obama and what he has to say, please open your hearts and your mind to what is going on! Give him an honest chance and you will see he is a man of his word, who sticks up for what he believes, and does not beat around the bush or lie about what is really going on. He never once said this depression was going to be easy, he is not sugar coating anything!
Posted by Ambs at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Brother, the Hero!
I’m so excited! I was using my mom’s laptop this morning, and my brother instant messaged me! I felt so bad when I missed his call on Monday, but I was happy to talk to him! It still hurts to talk sometimes, so it was nice to be able to try to type. He seems to be hanging in there. He sent me some awesome pictures of his new tattoo he is finishing up; my brother is complete opposite to me and has almost full sleeves on both arms. My brother is still the same person, and I love him for all that he does for me and our country! Anyone that can sacrifice and sign their life away to the government is a hero in my book and I am proud to call him family! This picture was taken at my Grandfather's funeral almost 3 years ago, before his first deployment to Iraq.
He finds out the end of this month if he got leave or not for April. If he does he said he will go to Washington for a little bit, and come see the family for a little bit as well. I will be excited to spend some time with him; it has been over a year! I have attached some random photo's of my brother, he looks funny, but I still heart him!
Posted by Ambs at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I HATE being Sick, and I HATE Doctor's!!!!
I would first like to start off by saying I HATE DOCTORS! No offense to anyone who is going into the profession or you are one (I still heart you Margie, this is nothing personal, and YOU are amazing!) I just do not like going to see them! I also would like to preface how much I dislike my healthcare insurance. Yes I am grateful to have it, since millions of Americans are without, but it stinks when you are limited to going so few places since Utah is predominately IHC or United Healthcare, not Blue Cross Blue Shield like I have. Furthermore, it stinks that I can only go to 3 hospitals in the area without having to worry about bending over and grabbing my ankles along with my right kidney and first born. I had the joys of experiencing this last July when I had my cyst issues come up. And yes, it is still ‘hanging’ around causing problems, and I refer to it as “Helga”.
Anyway, so back to rant about how I hate Doctors. I started to feel ill on Friday; it started as a slight tingle in the back end of my throat. I brushed it off as nothing, and went to work. When Saturday came around, I started to feel it more so, and by that evening I remember saying to my amazing roommate, “I’m getting something, I can feel it.” By Sunday morning, I was sick! I have my own personal feelings about church right now, and it is tough to discuss, but I only made it to Relief Society, and that was because I had to teach! I stopped at my local friendly Walgreen’s on my way to get some cold pills and cough drops so I could make it through my lesson.
After church and my home teachers visit, I laid down to take an all too common Sunday Nap, then again Sunday’s are the day of rest ;) when I awoke, everything just ached! I knew I was sick! I decided it would better to beat while it was starting than to let it get too bad. I had to call various offices to 1) make sure they where open on Sunday, I live in Utah for those that forgot and 2) make sure they accepted the all too hated BCBS. I ended up finding an after hours clinic around the corner from my house! I got there a little after 5pm, and noticed only one person waiting. I didn’t think it would take too long; then again I was WRONG like normal! I was there for OVER an hour and half!
They did the Strep test, WHICH I HATE! It’s like the Doctor’s assistant loves to jab that so far down your throat that it makes you sick! Then it was the regular stuff. It felt like a sinus infection, which I can count the hundreds that I have had, especially when I was a sophomore in high school and it was once a month like clockwork… Anyway, I could feel a left ear infection along with the hip pains I felt; I knew I had another kidney infection. So it was a round about of me telling her what I felt was wrong, what I knew was to come, and so on and so forth. She then only prescribed me with Augmenton. Not a fan of the horse pill, it didn’t help me to much growing up, but I figured I would give this Doctor a chance. I left there with a note excusing me from work, but never said what I had.
The next day I made it into work, and only lasted 53 minutes until my boss caught on just by my voice, and kicked me out. I came home and crashed like no other! Throughout the day it was sleeping and movies, oh and chicken noodle soup. My aunt advised that I drink lots of Cranberry juice; I drank almost the entire container! I think I may have had it seeping through my pores! On Tuesday I tried to make it into work, but I just felt worse! Not to mention the sores in my mouth, I will not go into details what they look like, but I knew it was strep. Another day of staying in bed.
Wednesday I had to force myself into work. ‘Technically’ I was not contagious anymore since the antibiotics have been in my system long enough. I had the toughest time driving my car, with my ears aching still, I could not concentrate! I made it into the office, and I almost passed out from exhaustion. All I did was walk in from the parking lot and down the stairs! It felt like the longest day of my life, not to mention the loud person in my office that would not shut up! My ears hurt, and I could not put any earphones in to drown her out! I had no attention span I was sleep deprived! I have taken the nighttime medicine and have not slept the last 3 nights! By 1pm, I was dying and called back the Doctors office. At this point, I was begging them to call in a cough syrup for me so I could sleep and shake something. They told me “no” and that I had to come back in and pay ANOTHER co-payment!
After work I decided I would swing by and make another stop. I first asked how long the wait was (my mom came into town that afternoon, and she was waiting for me to get home so I could let her in) and she said 5 minutes. Once I got into the back room, I tried to keep myself calm, but then the breakdown occurred. I explained my frustrations, and she took my blood pressure, she said it went up since Sunday, lets go through that shall we: You misdiagnosed me, did not give me the necessary medications, made me pay ANOTHER co-pay and are putting me through all the tests again! Not to mention the fact that I had to work today, and deal with idiotic people! I can understand why my blood pressure went up!
Thankfully the same Doctor was in, and she asked why I came back. I tried to be nice, I followed her instructions. My fever had never broke (i never check my temp, I just know I felt on fire all day) and I now had two ear infections! She then noticed what was going on in my throat and was ‘concerned’ (before she looked she tried to say I might have Mono, not Strep. What a “bright” one she was). She thankfully prescribed me cough syrup with Codeine (I will be sleeping well tonight!) and then looked at me and said “the antibiotics should have helped you; I’m concerned that you are not getting better. I would like to do a more rapid approach to this”. I was then informed of the liquid steroids I would have to drink, and the shot they where going to give me to help my ear infections. Guess where that was going to go, yep! Right in my rear end! How considerate she was! After they made me drink the icky medicine, they gave me a dum dum sucker to take away the horrible taste, and to say how “good” of a patient I was. Like I was some toddler that cant handle a little nasty taste and pain!
All I can say is this had better work! I am so sick of feeling sick! I cant miss anymore work, or I will owe hours the rest of my life! I tired all the time, and I need to shake this! My sanity is at stake here; my world around me depends on it! I hate feeling restless, hopeless, and motionless! It is not normal for me to not be able to take a shower and feeling wiped out, or just having a conversation on the phone with a vendor and having to take breaths every two seconds! I HATE BEING SICK!
Posted by Ambs at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Dallin! I know this is a day late, but I wanted to make sure you know I am wishing you a wonderful birthday. Oh yeah, about why you where almost late for work yesterday, that was me and a partner in crime! I figured you would not think that I would drive the 26 miles to your house to wish you a happy birthday, but I heart you that much! Heather (well Arthur too) and I planned this after I realized it was your birthday. We where a little worried we would get caught, since all your lights where on and curtains open. You parked right underneath the kitchen sink, and I was shocked when you didn’t hear us! It was fun saran wrapping your car! I forgot the car paint, but thankfully I found craft glitter in my car! Those
bags of balloons stuck to your window were meant to be blown up and put in your car, but you locked the doors, and I did not want to add breaking and entering to my record. I just wanted to make sure you know how much we heart you, and are hoping you had a great birthday!
Posted by Ambs at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Girls Night!!!
So when I got back from camping, I was planning on showing, but it was occupied! I instead went straight to getting a hair cut! I got a message form a friend that she wanted to do a girls night, and I was in dire need to one! I had just enough time to go shower, and get dolled up! A group of us met at this place in Sugarhouse/Millcreek called Divas. They have a barista, and they do cupcakes and sandwiches. It was a cute little shop and the food was not too bad. It was nice to get to know other girls, and just not worry about boys!
After dinner, three of sectioned off and went to a family chocolate shop called “Hatch’s”, it is located in the Avenues by the Smiths. The smell when you walked in, was to die for! For those of you that truly know me know that I love dark chocolate! It is the one thing that keeps me going, and my aunt loves to throw it at me and run when I am depressed. I got a small box of chocolates to go (I bought eight, and I still have four left! I am super proud of myself!), and I tried a scoop of the bear claw ice cream. It was yummy!
We then met for a dollar movie, we went and saw ‘7 Pounds’. My review is on my movie blog if you care to check it out. They had issues with getting the screen to focus, I don’t think it is rocket science, but I guess it was for them! It was hard to focus and it hurt my eyes, but I stuck it out. My one friend could not handle it, so she left. I was going to leave too, but I would have felt horrible to leave someone alone!
After being active all day, and the day before I was ready for bed when I got home! I’m such a loser, I was in bed by eleven on a Saturday night, with the help of two sleeping pills! It was so nice to sleep that hard for eleven hours! The morning after was not very fun though, I had what felt like a hangover from the pills, but it was worth it!
Posted by Ambs at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Heber Campout
So I had the joys this past weekend to go camping in Heber at the Church camping property. It is located up the side of one of the Mountains in Heber, and I mean WAY up the mountain, I was worried my pour car would not make it at one point! When we got there finally, it was SO cold! I drove up with Dallin, and it was with my old singles ward from Centerville. It was interesting. It was nice to be back with some of my old friends and make new ones! Of course there was always a few people that I did not expect to see, but if you put a smile on your face and shrug it off, it sometimes helps!
My friend Rachelle made a giant Twister game, and that seemed to be popular! After hours of chatter, fun games, and yummy snacks, I felt it was time to hit the sack! I drank a lot of water throughout the night, and I purposely remembered to go potty twice before bed just to be safe! Not that you really wanted to know that, but deep down I think you did! So I made the hike up to our cabin. It was freezing outside, and the cabin was not much warmer! It turned out that my friend who saved me a bed, shafted me and put me on the top bunk! I hate heights, and was not at all excited when I put my air mattress up there and there was no roll off guard left! I put a few layers on and climbed into bed. I was terrified the entire night that I would roll off! Then I got really cold, even though I had plenty of layers. Oh and my iPod died (I thought I charged it! I NEED something to listen to, to help me fall asleep!) Then I woke up at one point and had to go potty, AGAIN! I was too scared to get down; I seriously thought I would fall. Mind you, I sleep on a bed with cinder blocks, up very high, I have a stepping stool to help me get up there and I have never rolled off, but this was higher and I was scared! I decided to wait until everyone else woke up, it was a long night and I never fell asleep, I just tossed and turned all night long.
When the morning chatter started, I jumped down from the top bunk and raced to the restroom. I was so glad the sun was out, it was a little chilly, but better than snowing! We went down to our ‘lodge’ and had a huge breakfast. While others raced off to go tubing (I do NOT tube anymore, not since my accident in the third grade, I have a tendency to go to hospitals…) and hiking a group of us stayed back and cleaned up and played games. It was fun to just relax. I was glad that I was not one that got hurt, there where a lot of bruising and hurt people later that day.
After lunch we packed everything, and headed home. When all was said and done, I am glad that Dallin dragged me out there. It was nice to break away and just feel free for a night.
Posted by Ambs at 10:50 AM 0 comments